Thursday, November 6, 2014

Discussion Questions: "A Perfect Day for Bananafish"

1.  Why do you think Seymour kills himself at the end of the story?
2.  What vision/representation of war do we get in this story?  Do you think that Muriel is sympathetic to Seymour’s mental condition?  What evidence is there in the story to support your view?
3. What do we learn about Seymour from the conversation between Muriel and her mother?  How does this compare/contrast to the image of him that we get when we meet him on the beach?
3.  What is the significance of Sybil?  Why do you think Seymour relates to Sybil better than to others?  What specific aspects of little children does she represent/illustrate?
4.  Why does Seymour want Sybil to look for Bananafish in the first place, and what is a Bananafish?  What significance does the Bananafish serve in this story?

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