Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Narrative Essay Documents

Click here for a planning/outlining guide for the narrative.

Click here for another model text.

Click here for the rubric for the assignment.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mythology Assessment Review

Use the following practice questions to review for your assessment.

To further prepare for your mythology assessment, practice the following:

Choose a short myth that we haven't read.  
Identify the meaning of an unknown word using the context.
Identify the purpose of the myth.
Make at least two inferences about Greek values from the myth.
Think about any archetypes that may be present in the myth.
Summarize the myth.
Think about how certain gods are characterized in the myth.

Mythology Narrative

Read the following essay, "Two Wheeled Greek Chorus," from the NY Times and answer the following questions about it:

-What story is the writer telling?
-What allusion to mythology does she make?  What purpose does this allusion serve?
-How is the essay organized?  Make a very basic outline.

Click here for the description of the narrative essay assignment.

Use the "Two Wheeled Greek Chorus" as a mentor text/model for your essay.  Consider how Eliot Holt organizes her piece and how you might use this as a guide.  We will discuss this together in class.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Demeter Story

Here is the link to the Demeter story.  As you read it, think about the themes that the original myth presents that are developed further in this story.  What allusions to the original story do you see? In what ways is this modern adaptation different from the original in terms of characterization, themes, and inferred values?  How is each representative of its time?

Friday, October 10, 2014

Modern Day Hercules Depictions

Click here for an article about a new art exhibit which depicts Vladimir Putin completing the twelve labors of Hercules.

Use this article to link you up to your assigned labor.