Friday, June 12, 2015

Final Grammar Practice

Put commas where necessary.

The man in the long black coat stood somberly in the corner.

Robert is a warm gentle father.

People who obtain a college degree tend to earn more money than those that don't.

Langston Hughes who was a poet during the Harlem Renaissance wrote poetry that was concerned with racial pride and social justice.

Put commas, colons, and semicolons where necessary.

The weather this week may include hailstorms sun showers and overcast skies.

I am eager to read a number of books this summer The Ministry of Bad Taste by Jonathan Franzen Wolfe Hall by Hillary Mantel and Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre.

Are the following sentences grammatically correct?  If not, fix them.

Most lions at night hunt for medium sized prey, such as zebra.

Many students graduate with debt from college totaling more than fifty thousand dollars.

Though not eligible for the clinical trial, John was still able to gain access to an experimental drug.

Identify the verbal phrases in the following sentences.

To live without health insurance is risky.

Last night we saw a play, written with profound insight into the lives of immigrants, that affected us deeply.

The girls swimming in the Atlantic were stung by jellyfish.

Rationalizing a fear can eliminate it.

Lizards usually enjoy sunning themselves.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Final Exam Review Document

Here is a review document for your final exam.

Here is a document with reading practice.

Grammar Review Document

Here is a document to review the Q4 grammar.

TEWWG: The Tea Cake Chapter

Tea Cake is a complex character.  What are three distinct adjectives you would use to describe him?  Identify a specific incident with a direct quotation from Chapter 13 of 14 to support your claim.

What is an adjective that you would use to describe Janie and Tea Cake's life together?  Again, cite a specific quotation from Chapter 13 or 14 that supports your claim.

Do you think Janie is happy she ran off with Tea Cake?  What evidence do you have to support your idea?

IXL Work for Review

10H English IXL Grammar Work

username:  firstnamelastname651 ex: laurentarantino651
Password: 1234

Under Grade 9:
participles N1
gerunds N2
restrictive/nonrestrictive info (same as essential/nonessential) B1 B2
semicolons, colons, commas C1 C2 C3

Under Grade 10:
misplaced modifiers W1

parallel structure U1